Welcome Bootcampers!

Bootcamp Schedule By Week

Links to Activities and Interactions

Week 0 - Getting to Know You

Let's start with a little getting to know you exercise.

Klaxoon Activity

Let's jump right in on Klaxoon and get to know each other. Klaxoon? What's a Klaxoon?
Click Here

Week 1 - The Joy of Being Open to Change

Rethinking and unlearning are critical skills

Ever changed your mind?

Share an example of positive change enabled by a willingness to re-examine a common practice.
Click Here

Week 1 - Defining Your Purpose

Why does your organization exist?

Post Your Purpose

Add your personal or shelter purpose to the Klaxoon board.
Click Here

B'camp Nuggets & Gems

Add your favorite insights, quotes, etc. from Bootcamp to our Klaxoon board

Our Favorites and Yours

Add them now and we'll talk about them on our Week 6 Thursday call.
Click Here

Bootcamp Course Content by Week