Welcome to our Shelter Industry Events Calendar! Here, you’ll find a variety of webinars, learning opportunities, online meetings, and national events focused on animal sheltering and related interests. While some events are hosted by the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program, most are organized by other groups and agencies. Please note that being listed here doesn’t mean we’ve reviewed the material.
We’re here to provide you with a range of resources to help make your life easier. For more details about any event, feel free to contact the organizer directly (you’ll find their info in the event description). Know of any event that we are missing that you think should be shown here? EMAIL US at events@sheltermedportal.com
Does your agency use Incident Action Plans (IAP)? Not quite sure what an IAP is? Why is a situation status report (Sit Stat) so important? Find out in this training as our disaster response experts offer important guidance to prepare you for your next emergency.
Join Ryan Soulsby, CalAnimals Disaster Program Manager, and Brian Whipple, Sonoma County Animal Services, as they discuss the function of the Incident Action Plan and Situation Status Report and how it could benefit your disaster operations. The training will be a basic overview of each section of the documents, a discussion of who creates the documents and how the information is gathered, who and how the documents are disseminated, and leave the training with a basic editable template for your IAP and Sit Stat.
WEBSITE LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wKZzjDjOQAS4YV4QKBSydw#/registration