Welcome to our Shelter Industry Events Calendar! Here, you’ll find a variety of webinars, learning opportunities, online meetings, and national events focused on animal sheltering and related interests. While some events are hosted by the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program, most are organized by other groups and agencies. Please note that being listed here doesn’t mean we’ve reviewed the material.

We’re here to provide you with a range of resources to help make your life easier. For more details about any event, feel free to contact the organizer directly (you’ll find their info in the event description). Know of any event that we are missing that you think should be shown here? EMAIL US at events@sheltermedportal.com

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Online Event – 5/21/24 – All Call: Advocating for Funding with the HASS Budget Calculator – California for All Animals


California for All Animals Presents: On May 21, Dr. Ellen Jefferson and Maggie Lynch will join the call to introduce the new HASS budget calculator, which was created to address the persistent underfunding of animal services. This workshop will cover how to use the calculator tool and its results to advocate for budgets appropriate to meet the public's expectations around humane care and shelter lifesaving. 


Webinar – 5/21/24 – Saving Lives: Mindfulness in Animal Welfare – HASS


HASS Presents: Join panelists Dr. Jyothi V. Robertson, Founder of JVR Strategies & Journey You Own along with José Ocaño, Founder & CEO of Hatching, to discuss the importance of mindfulness in animal welfare and best practices the industry can implement today to support the people who save pets.


Webinar – 5/22/24 – Considering Communication: Strategies To Improve Behaviour Change in Clients – PPG (fee applies)


PPG Presents (fee applies): Our role as animal advocates and client advisors requires us to excel at communication too. This webinar focuses on communication strategies for obtaining a case history, the practical use of empathy and compassion, and providing constructive, personalised coaching and reinforcing feedback.

$25 – $35

Webinar – 5/23/24 – How to Create the Future – Nonprofit AF


Nonprofit AF and Creating the Future Present: If you're tired of working your tail off to achieve only incremental, baby-step results, come join the conversation! Vu and Hildy will introduce a framework that will shift your thinking from reacting incrementally to what's wrong in our communities, to creating what is possible. From scarcity and going it alone, to the power of radical inclusion and Collective Enoughness - sharing and building upon each other’s strengths.


Online Event – 5/23/24 – Maddie’s Monthly Behavior Connection: Removing Behavior-Related Barriers to Adoption – Maddie’s Fund


Maddie's Fund Presents: When we look at the realities of dog training and the behavioral effects of the shelter environment, we find that training in a shelter can be difficult to justify. So what do we do about the behavior-related barriers to placing dogs out into homes? This presentation will explore that topic, and offer concrete solutions for some of our toughest behavior challenges.


Webinar – 5/28/24 – Diagnostic Testing in Shelters and Low-Resource Situations – VETGirl


VETGirl Presents: In this 1-hour, VETgirl small animal webinar, Dr. Lena DeTar, DACVPM, DABVP-SMP will talk about the philosophical approach to diagnostic testing and options that are commonly available in animal shelters or low-resource environments. Tune in as Dr. DeTar draws from her experience in shelters, field clinics, and access to care scenarios to provide practitioners with the tools necessary to refine/re-define their “basic” database!


Webinar – 5/29/24 – Building Trust, Preventing Bites: Proactive dog bite prevention and handling strategies – Fear Free


Fear Free Presents: Join us as we explore how being proactive, rather than reactive, can significantly enhance workplace safety and foster a harmonious environment for both humans and pets. Discover practical techniques and approaches to mitigate potential aggression and create a happier, safer workplace for everyone involved.


Webinar – 6/2/24 – What’s New with Feline Constipation: Acute & Chronic Treatment Modalities – VetGirl


VETGirl Presents: In this complimentary, 1-hour VETgirl – Royal Canin webinar, Dr. Ashlie Saffire, DVM, DABVP (Feline Practice) will discuss management strategies for acute and chronic constipation in cats. Tune in as Dr. Saffire reviews techniques you can use for acute obstipation and therapeutic options for managing and preventing chronic constipation cases!


Online Course – Starts 6/3/24 – The Forensics of Aggression: Working With and Evaluating Canine Aggression – IAABC (fee applies)


IAABC Presents (fee applies): Jim Crosby is widely recognized as an expert in the field of dog bites, dog aggression, and fatal dog attacks. In this four-part course, Jim is sharing his hard-won knowledge and experience about dog aggression, bites, communication, and what we can do with all of this as we go through our personal and professional journeys through the canine world.

$180 – $300

Online Meeting – 6/3/24 – Weekly Community Conversations #ThanksToMaddie: Parvovirus Treatment Algorithm – Maddie’s Fund


Maddie's Fund Presents: This community conversations meeting will review a new decision-making tool to help organizations decide if, when, and how they might approach canine parvovirus cases and how to incorporate Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody (CPMA), the first and only treatment directed at the virus itself, into their protocols. If you registered prior to May 2024 or are new to these meetings, please use this link to register:


Hybrid Conference – 6/4/24 to 6/5/24 – 2024 Veterinary Behavior Symposium – ACVB (fee applies)


ACVB Presents (fee applies): The Veterinary Behavior Symposium provides a forum for sharing cutting-edge, original research in the field of animal behavior. The program will be held in-person in Minneapolis and be available virtually (live-streamed) as well.

$50 – $500

Online Event – 6/4/24 – All Call – Community outreach 101: Creating a support services program using the Pets for Life approach – California for All Animals


California for All Animals Presents: Do you want to start or grow a more effective pet owner support program? At the June 4 All Call, Rafael Castellanos (Pets for Life Coordinator, Ventura County Animal Services) and Ashley Anderson-Mutch (Senior Program Manager, Enforcement and Policy Reform, Pets for Life at Humane Society of the United States) will discuss strategies for establishing or expanding a strategic, sustainable community-based outreach program, whether rural, urban, or somewhere in between.


Hybrid Conference – 6/4/24 to 6/5/24 – 2024 Veterinary Behavior Symposium – ACVB (fee applies)


ACVB Presents (fee applies): The Veterinary Behavior Symposium provides a forum for sharing cutting-edge, original research in the field of animal behavior. The program will be held in-person in Minneapolis and be available virtually (live-streamed) as well.

$50 – $500

Webinar – 6/5/24 – APCC: Fun in the Sun: Summer Toxicities in Dogs and Cats – ASPCAPro


ASPCAPro Presents: Join Dr. Groszkowski, consulting veterinarian in Clinical Toxicology at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, to explore potential toxicities in dogs and cats that are more commonly managed at small animal practices during the summer months. Learn about a variety of toxicities and their mechanisms of action, clinical signs, diagnostic tests, and treatments.


Online Course – 6/5/24 – Return to Home Certification Workshop – Community Cats Podcast (small fee applies)


Community Cats Podcast Presents (small fee applies): Leave all your preconceived notions about “dumped, abandoned, or unwanted” stray cats at the door! In this workshop we will discuss simple, actionable ways that we can support owners of lost cats, be a resource to those who find cats, and increase the rate at which cats in our shelters are reunited with grateful families.
