Shelter Summit and Fast Tracks are now available on demand on Maddie's University.

Spring 2023 Shelter Summit On-Demand

Learn Some New Moves and Create the Change You Want to See with the Spring 2023 Shelter Summit and Fast Tracks

In March 2023, Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge Learniverse launched the Spring 2023 Shelter Summit and Fast Tracks with your feedback, busy schedules, and big goals in mind.

Now available on demand and at your own pace, we’ll help you learn by doing, create the change you want to see at your shelter, and go further together with your colleagues and the support of expert coaches.

#ThankstoMaddie, participation in the Shelter Summit and Fast Tracks is absolutely free and everyone is welcome!

Click “Watch Now” below to view the recorded Spring 2023 Shelter Summit at Maddie’s University.

The Shelter Summit has been pre-approved for CAWA, NACA and RACE CE credit.

Ready to make positive changes? The Fast Tracks that happened after the submit were also recorded and are available on-demand on Maddie’s University. The presentations and discussions will help you sprint from idea to implementation and ongoing improvement.

Click on the name of the Fast Track you are interested in below, and you’ll get access to all the Fast Track meetings you can watch at your own pace.

Tell your friends and shelter team about this opportunity.


About the Fast Tracks

Coordinated Care: The Secret Sauce to Ensuring Animals and People Get the Right Care in the Right Place

Learn progressive and collaborative ways of respecting all of the members of your community, especially those who come to us for supportive services. We’ll focus on ways to help pets stay in their current homes when possible and effectively reserve shelter intake for animals who really need to be in our care. We’ll discuss not only how these techniques can reduce shelter intakes, but also how this approach will set everyone up for success, including families, animals, and shelter team members.

Track Coaches:

Lead Coach: Jennifer Toussaint, Chief Animal Control Officer at the Animal Welfare League of Arlington

Co-Coach: Kelly Bremken, Veterinary Social Worker at Oregon Humane Society

Are You Staying Within Your Capacity for Care? (You Might Be Surprised!)

Capacity for Care (C4C) is such a wonderful place to be, yet it can feel so out of reach. What is your shelter’s capacity for care, what is it based on, and are you staying within it?

Even just understanding what C4C is can feel overwhelming, much less getting there. Need a refresher or don’t know where to start? Answer — right here!

It all starts with knowing that it is possible to stay within your capacity for care at all organizations, regardless of how animals come to you. We’ll dive into what determines your capacity, how it impacts the work you do every day and the decisions you make. Discover how you can provide the Right Care in the Right Place for people and animals AND stay within your C4C. This is your chance to learn how to get out of crisis mode, decrease overwhelm, and make it possible for your team to maximize your resources, all while ensuring your shelter is able to have the greatest impact on the people and pets in your community.

This track is the foundation for all successful shelter operations and pairs well with every other offering at this summit. Not a shelter director or manager? No problem; we invite anyone in the animal shelter space to join us on this journey!

Track Coaches:

Lead Coach: Cindy Karsten, DVM, Director of Outreach at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Co-Coach: Ivy Ruiz, Outreach Specialist at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Hidden Gems: How to Make Your Shelter Software Help You Work Smarter, Not Harder

Is what your shelter software has to say getting lost in translation?

Start transforming numbers and patterns in your intake and outcome reports into concrete benefits for animals and staff. Discover how to increase live release and lower length of stay based on information you already have at your fingertips.

Track Coaches:

Lead Coach: Becky Stuntebeck, DVM, Facility Design Veterinarian at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Co-Coach: Cindi Delany, DVM, Maddie’s Million Pet Challenge Director of Online Learning at UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Proven Barrier-Busting Strategies That Send Animals Home

Uncover hidden and not-so-hidden roadblocks that are keeping animals in the shelter, contributing to shelter team overwhelm and fatigue, and tying up precious resources. Discover how to clear the way to ensure more pets are reunited with their families or placed in new homes. Tap into opportunities to increase live outcomes and build relationships with potential partners, volunteers, fosters, and adopters in your community.

Track Coaches:

Lead Coach: Nadia Oseguera, California Program Manager at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Co-Coach: Allison Cardona, California State Director at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Feeling Overwhelmed with Making Outcome Decisions? We can help!

Shelter teams are faced daily with high-stakes outcome decisions made harder by an increasingly complex and strained system. We’ll discuss some of the issues at play and help you to develop tools to remove bottlenecks to outcomes and overcome the toughest decision-making dilemmas, from adoption to euthanasia, with transparency and compassion.

Track Coaches:

Lead Coach: Chumkee Aziz, DVM, Outreach Veterinarian, at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Co-Coach: Cindi Delany, DVM, Maddie’s Million Pet Challenge Director of Online Learning at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

A New Opportunity - Fast Tracks

Fast Track Your Way to Change

Ready to make positive changes? The Fast Tracks listed above will help you sprint from idea to implementation and ongoing improvement.

Access the meetings, recordings, and resources in the Fast Track of your choice by clicking the button in its description.

Speakers / Coaches

Nine amazing speakers presented at the Summit and were also the coaches in the Fast Tracks after the summit.

Jennifer Toussaint

Chief of Animal Control
Animal Welfare League of Arlington

Summit/Fast Track
Coordinated Care:

The Secret Sauce to Ensuring Animals and People Get the Right Care in the Right Place

Jennifer Toussaint is the Chief of animal control in Arlington County, Virginia, at the Animal Welfare League of Arlington. Jennifer has been serving Arlington County for over 10 years and accepted the Chief position in 2016.

She has expanded the animal control department’s outreach efforts in providing additional support to pet owners to enable high owner-pet retention in the community. Jennifer is a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)-trained officer and has trained animal control and welfare professionals on a variety of topics: active listening, emergency preparedness, emotional support and service animals, animal neglect/cruelty investigations, and wildlife intake and triage.

In 2023, Jennifer was an honoree for the Leadership Center for Excellence 40 under 40 leadership award. She is a graduate of Moravian College with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Spanish.

Read more about Jennifer

Kelly Bremken

Veterinary Social Worker
Oregon Humane Society

Summit/Fast Track
Coordinated Care:

The Secret Sauce to Ensuring Animals and People Get the Right Care in the Right Place

Kelly Bremken is the Veterinary Social Worker with Oregon Humane Society. Kelly has a Master of Science in Social Work (MSSW) from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, with a certification in Veterinary Social Work (VSW). This program trains MSSW students in the four areas of Veterinary Social Work. Those areas are Compassion Fatigue & Conflict Management, the Link Between Human & Animal Violence, Animal Assisted Interventions, and Animal-Related Grief & Bereavement.

At Oregon Humane Society, Kelly is on the forefront of utilizing social work practice to attend to the human needs that arise at the intersection of veterinary medicine & animal welfare, and social work practice. She serves as Oregon Humane Society’s first veterinary social worker and is paving the way in the field for greater workplace wellbeing and community partnership.

Read more about Kelly

Cindy Karsten, DVM

Director of Outreach
UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Summit/Fast Track
Are You Staying Within Your Capacity for Care?
(You Might Be Surprised!)

Dr. Karsten became board certified in Shelter Medicine Practice in November, 2017. Her main areas of interest include teaching and mentoring undergraduate and veterinary students, working with shelter leaders on change management, and providing accessible, affordable veterinary care to everyone who seeks it.

Throughout her KSMP career, Dr. Karsten has helped to identify and implement best practice protocols and capacity for care models at shelters across the United States and Canada.

She also continues to work to understand her role and that of animal shelters in increasing awareness of social justice issues and implementing policies to bring about equity.

Read more about Karsten

Ivy Ruiz

Outreach Specialist
UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Summit/Fast Track
Are You Staying Within Your Capacity for Care? (You Might Be Surprised)

Ivy joined the UC Davis team as the new Outreach Specialist for the Koret Shelter Medicine Program in September 2022. Ivy has a long history in shelter care and medicine; she is a Registered Veterinary Technician who has worked in high-capacity shelters in California. She is excited to continue to serve the animals and the people by sharing her knowledge and experience gained over the years.

Ivy’s passion for animal and human welfare shines through her community engagement as a member of the Tulare County Animal Services Advisory Committee, the Communications Committee with the City of Visalia, and the SMART team, which addresses issues surrounding the homeless community.

Read more about Ivy

Becky Stuntebeck

Facility Design Veterinarian
UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Summit/Fast Track
Hidden Gems: How to Make Your Shelter Software Help You Work Smarter, Not Harder

Becky joined the KSMP team as a Facility Design Veterinarian in April 2022. She obtained her DVM degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine in 2013. She completed a shelter medicine internship at Dane County Humane Society via the KSMP team in 2014 and a shelter medicine residency with the UW Shelter Medicine Program in 2018, achieving board certification through the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners that Fall.

Becky has also worked as a shelter veterinarian at two private shelters in Wisconsin. In addition to facility design her interests include proactive population management and infectious disease prevention in shelters, as well as building relationships with folks across the sheltering field.

Read more about Becky

Allison Cardona

California State Director
UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Summit/Fast Tracks
Proven Barrier-Busting Strategies That Send Animals Home

Allison Cardona joined the Koret Shelter Medicine Program in January 2022 as California State Director. She is thrilled to serve on this esteemed team and make an impact for animals and the people who care for them. Prior to this, Allison worked for nearly five years as deputy director for the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control. In that role, she oversaw two full-service animal care centers, a communications center, public relations, adoption partners, behavior and enrichment, and volunteer programs.

Allison also served as liaison to the County’s Homeless Initiative ensuring that people experiencing homelessness have options and resources for their pets as well as participating in the County’s Anti-racism, Diversity and Inclusion Initiative, assisting with the implementation of an anti-racist policy agenda.

Read more about Allison

Nadia Oseguera

California Program Manager
UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Summit/Fast Track
Proven Barrier-Busting Strategies That Send Animals Home

Nadia Oseguera joined the Koret Shelter Medicine Program (KSMP) in September 2022 as California Program Manager. Prior to joining the KSMP, Nadia received a Bachelor of Art degree in Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Her desire to help animals combined with her profound understanding and appreciation for people’s diverse experiences and motivations encouraged her to pursue a career in animal welfare.

Nadia’s professional background in customer care and education enabled her to approach animal sheltering with compassionate communication and collaboration, open-mindedness and solution-driven problem-solving.

Read more about Nadia

Chumkee Aziz, DVM

Outreach Veterinarian
UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Summit/Fast Track
Feeling Overwhelmed with Making Outcome Decisions? We Can Help!

Dr. Aziz grew up in Houston, Texas within a strong Bangladeshi-American community. Pet ownership and veterinary medicine were uncommon concepts growing up within her culture and it wasn’t until later in life that she was exposed to veterinary specialty medicine and eventually shelter medicine. Dr. Aziz found that shelter medicine encompassed everything she was interested in within veterinary medicine – supporting communities, championing the human-animal bond, upholding animal welfare and wellbeing, and supporting shelter colleagues and veterinary students. After completing her shelter medicine residency training with UC-Davis KSMP, Dr. Aziz worked with Austin Humane Society, the ASPCA and eventually rejoined the KSMP team in 2022 as an outreach veterinarian. Through her various positions, Dr. Aziz has been able to work with shelters across the country on mitigating infectious disease outbreaks, operating within their capacity for care, and implementing programs to keep pets with their families.

Read more about Chumkee

Cindi Delany, DVM, KPA-CTP, FFCP

Maddie’s Million Pet Challenge Director of Online Learning
UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Summits/Fast Tracks

Hidden Gems: How to Make Your Shelter Software Help You Work Smarter, Not Harder

Feeling Overwhelmed with Making Outcome Decisions? We Can Help!

With an undergraduate degree in Business/Economics from UCLA and a DVM from UC Davis, Dr. Cindi Delany has practiced emergency medicine, animal shelter medicine and shelter outreach for more than 20 years.

Her focus with the Koret Shelter Medicine Program’s animal shelter outreach and industry speaking activities is on programs targeted to improve animal outcomes, provide environmental enrichment for shelter animals, explore shelter animal behavior and training, improve shelter data collection and analysis, and maximize operational efficiencies in a limited resource environment.

Dr. Delany is now taking her passion and expertise for sharing information and learnings about maximizing animal shelter success to the next level as the Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge Director of Online Learning at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program.

Read more about Delany

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