Online Event – 11/18/20 – The Roundtable: Technology Impacting Lifesaving in Animal Welfare – The AAWA

The AAWA Presents: During the COVID-19 pandemic, animal welfare organizations had to pivot and find a new normal to provide services from adoptions to foster care to veterinary care, all while maintaining lifesaving. This exclusive roundtable conversation will explore the opportunities technology offers so you can deliver your mission more effectively and with greater impact. Hear from animal welfare organizations that combined agility and innovative technologies to exceed their lifesaving goals. Questions from the audience will follow the roundtable discussion.
ICYMI (In Case You Missed It): 3,000 new foster homes in 6 months! – How Did They Do It?

Former KSMP shelter medicine resident Dr. Cristie Kamiya is at it again! Find out how she transformed her shelter in the face of crisis, recruited over 3,000 new foster homes and leveraged her volunteer talent to get it done.
BLOG: Pets, Mental Health & COVID-19

Since I was a young child I have had a deep understanding of how animals can bring happiness into peoples’ lives. My first word as a 1 year old was “dog” and I grew up wanting to become a veterinarian due to my passion for animals and the love they give. However, in my later years I began to recognize the impact pets can have on your mental health as well.