Online Course – Starts 10/18/23 – Dog Lifesaving Course – Best Friends (fee applies)

Best Friends Presents (fee applies): Best Friends and Southern Utah University’s Dog Lifesaving Course is designed for anyone who wants to positively impact the lives of dogs in shelters, whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your journey. Join us as we empower you with the knowledge, tools, strategies, and steps to start making changes immediately to increase dog lifesaving and enhance the lives of dogs at your organization.
Online Course – 9/16/23 – Return-to-Field: How Shelters Save Community Cats – Community Cats Podcast

Community Cats Podcast and Neighborhood Cats Present: We’ll cover the policies behind RTF, the mechanics of implementing the program, current controversies over the RTF of friendly cats, and how to combine RTF with TNR in general to lower cat populations and create sustainability.
This Thursday (8/13/20): Support for Kittens in the Field

The second webinar in the Million Cat Challenge five-part webinar series is this Thursday, August 13th, 2020.
Join us to learn more about how you can provide support outside your shelter walls and reduce the number of kittens coming through your shelter.
Find out what field officers, volunteers and fosters are doing to give kittens the best chance of survival while streamlining operations and expanding safety nets outside shelter walls.