Webinar – 7/24/24 – Who let the dogs out? Unleashing solutions: Finding solutions to the problem of Fiji’s free-roaming dog population – Getting 2 Zero

Getting 2 Zero Presents: Overpopulation of dogs is an issue in Fiji, similar to many other South Pacific and industralized nations worldwide. This presentation explores results from a door-to-door survey in the Tavakubu ward of Lautoka, highlighting the impacts of human behavior in maintaining free-roaming dog populations, including ownership apathy, indiscriminate feeding, and low compliance with responsible pet ownership practices.
Webinar – 12/2/23 – Neighborhood Cats Trapper Certification Webinar – Community Cats Podcast

Community Cats Podcast Presents: Are you ready to be part of the solution for feral and stray cats in your neighborhood? Our expert instructors will teach you best practices for Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and colony management. Learn what TNR is and why it works. We’ll cover getting along with neighbors, preparations for trapping, trapping itself (including entire colonies at once), feeding, providing winter shelter, and more.
Webinar – 12/12/23 – The Roundtable: Liability Insurance Challenges – The AAWA

The AAWA Presents: In this discussion co-hosted by CalAnimals and The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement, we will have a candid conversation with two representatives from the insurance industry who will share the big picture of what – from their inside perspective – is causing insurance challenges and what organizations can do to mitigate their risks and improve their chances of securing coverage.
Webinar – 11/2/23 – Let’s Talk About Pet Cancer – Moose’s March

Moose’s March Presents: Moose’s March is thrilled to invite pet owners, animal lovers, veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and anyone concerned about pet health to join this enlightening webinar. The event will be hosted by Steve Dale, a renowned figure in the world of pet advocacy and education.
Curbing Disease as Intake Rises: Prevent, Fight and Win Today

Does it seem like animals keep getting sick no matter what you do, especially right now with intake numbers climbing in many shelters? Does URI have to be status quo for summer? Is parvo inevitable? Have you wondered what else you can do to get ahead of these vicious cycles?
MMPC Learniverse – Power of YES! Removing Barriers from Animal Shelter Adoption

This course looks at barriers that typically push potential adopters away from animal shelters and towards other options. In addition to examining adoption barriers and the misconceptions that help them persist, we look at strategies that can lower these hurdles.
Online Event – 11/1/23 – ASPCA®-AAWA Research Forum – ASPCA and The AAWA

ASPCA and The AAWA Present: Don’t miss this FREE online event showcasing how to help vulnerable pets using data. Whether you love geeking out over data, want to help pets in your community—or both—you don’t want to miss the ASPCA®-AAWA Research Forum online on November 1 from 12 – 5 p.m. ET.
Online Course – 9/16/23 – Return-to-Field: How Shelters Save Community Cats – Community Cats Podcast

Community Cats Podcast and Neighborhood Cats Present: We’ll cover the policies behind RTF, the mechanics of implementing the program, current controversies over the RTF of friendly cats, and how to combine RTF with TNR in general to lower cat populations and create sustainability.
Webinar – 9/27/23 – Keeping People and Pets Housed – The AAWA

The AAWA Presents: This session will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to provide compassionate and effective case management for any program working with vulnerable pets. You will also learn how to collaborate with the human services sector in your community to improve outcomes in keeping people and pets together.
New Course Helps Keep Animals on Track to the Right Outcome

The Right Outcome, the capstone course in the Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge Learniverse Four Rights series, is here to help you match each animal with the outcome that is right for them and make a plan to achieve it. Learn how to leverage Return-to-Home principles and remove barriers to get more animals home, and leave with strategies for avoiding decision fatigue while making decisions with compassion, empathy, and clarity.