Now that the Shelter Summit event is over, it’s time to join Fast Tracks and Track Packs! You can find schedules, registration links, and descriptions of each track below. Be sure to register for Fast Tracks (open to everyone, no application needed) before 3/28. Thinking about applying for one of our limited spots as a “Track Pack” member in one or more of the Fast Tracks? Apply to be considered by 3/31. We would love to have you join us!

If you would like to watch all or part of the recorded Summit, each presentation and Q&A session is viewable on Maddie’s® University.

If you have any questions, please contact us at For more information, visit We hope you enjoyed our event.

Fast Tracks:

If the topics intrigued you and/or you liked what you heard at the Summit and want to dive deeper, be sure to register for one or more of the 8-week-long Fast Tracks and start doing—with support! Sprint from idea to implementation and ongoing improvement by connecting with coaches and fellow participants along the way.

Fast Tracks are open to everyone and there is no application process, just register to attend any or all of the meetings and office hours for the track you are interested in.

You can join one of the Fast Tracks to get more information, support, and guidance from your coaches in 4 one hour live meetings over the weeks of 3/27, 4/17, 5/1, and 5/15.  You’ll also be invited to join the coaches’ optional office hours during off-weeks (weeks of 4/10, 4/24, 5/8, and 5/22).

Read more below or click the track title below to register for the Track and get links to the meetings and office hours.

Track Live Meetings Optional Office Hours
Coordinated Care: The Secret Sauce to Ensuring Animals and People Get the Right Care in the Right Place 3/30, 4/20, 5/4, 5/18 11 am Pacific 4/12, 4/26, 5/10, 5/24 9am Pacific
Are You Staying Within Your Capacity for Care? (you might be surprised) 3/30, 4/20, 5/4, 5/18 9 am Pacific 4/13, 4/27, 5/11, 5/25 9 am Pacific
Hidden Gems: How to Make Your Shelter Software Help You Work Smarter, Not Harder 3/28, 4/18, 5/2, 5/16 9 am Pacific 4/11, 4/25, 5/9, 5/23 1 pm Pacific
Proven Barrier-Busting Strategies That Send Animals Home 3/29, 4/19, 5/3, 5/17 11 am Pacific 4/13, 4/27, 5/11, 5/25 9am Pacific
Feeling Overwhelmed with Making Outcome Decisions? We can help! 3/29, 4/19, 5/3, 5/17 12 pm Pacific 4/11, 4/25, 5/9, 5/23 10 am Pacific


Fast Track Options,  Information, and Registration:

Coordinated Care: The Secret Sauce to Ensuring Animals and People Get the Right Care in the Right Place

Learn progressive and collaborative ways of respecting all of the members of your community, especially those who come to us for supportive services. We’ll focus on ways to help pets stay in their current homes when possible and how to effectively reserve shelter intake for animals who really need to be in our care. We’ll discuss not only how these techniques can reduce shelter intakes, but also how this approach will set everyone up for success, including families, animals, and shelter team members.

Track Coaches:
Lead Coach: Jennifer Toussaint, Chief Animal Control Officer at the Animal Welfare League of Arlington
Co-Coach: Kelly Bremken, Veterinary Social Worker at Oregon Humane Society

Registration Link:

Are You Staying Within Your Capacity for Care? (You Might Be Surprised!)

Capacity for Care (C4C) – such a wonderful place to be and yet can feel so out of reach. What is your shelter’s capacity for care, what is it based on and are you staying within it? Even just understanding what C4C is for an organization can feel overwhelming, much less getting there. Need a refresher or don’t know where to start? Answer – right here! It all starts with knowing that it is possible to stay within your capacity for care at all organizations, regardless of how animals come to you. We’ll dive into what determines your capacity, how it impacts the work you do every day, and the decisions you make. Discover how you can provide the Right Care in the Right Place for people and animals AND stay within your C4C. This is your chance to learn some of the ways you can get out of crisis mode, decrease overwhelm, and make it possible for your team to maximize your limited resources all while ensuring your shelter is able to have the greatest impact on the people and pets in your community.

This track is a wonderful partner to the tracks being offered at this summit – to take the groundwork into action! Not a shelter director or manager? No problem, we invite anyone in the animal shelter space to join us on this journey!

Track Coaches:
Lead Coach: Cindy Karsten, DVM, Director of Outreach at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program
Co-Coach: Ivy Ruiz, Outreach Specialist at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Registration Link:

Hidden Gems: How to Make Your Shelter Software Help You Work Smarter, Not Harder

Is what your shelter software has to say being ignored? Start transforming numbers and patterns in your intake and outcome reports into concrete benefits for animals and staff! Discover how to increase live release and lower length of stay based on the information you already have at your fingertips.

Track Coaches:
Lead Coach: Becky Stuntebeck, DVM, Facility Design Veterinarian at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program
Co-Coach: Cindi Delany, DVM, Maddie’s Million Pet Challenge Director of Online Learning at UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Registration Link:

Proven Barrier-Busting Strategies That Send Animals Home

Uncover hidden and not-so-hidden roadblocks that are keeping animals in the shelter, contributing to shelter team overwhelm and fatigue, and tying up precious resources. Discover how to clear the way to ensure more pets are reunited with their families or placed in new homes. Tap into opportunities to increase live outcomes and build relationships with potential partners, volunteers, fosters, and adopters in your community.

Track Coaches:
Lead Coach: Nadia Oseguera, California Program Manager at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program
Co-Coach: Allison Cardona, California State Director at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Registration Link:

Feeling Overwhelmed with Making Outcome Decisions? We can help!

Shelter teams are faced daily with high-stakes outcome decisions made harder by an increasingly complex and strained system. We’ll discuss some of the issues at play and help you to develop tools to remove bottlenecks to outcomes and overcome the toughest decision-making dilemmas, from Adoption to Euthanasia, with transparency and compassion.

Track Coaches:
Lead Coach: Chumkee Aziz, DVM, Outreach Veterinarian, at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program
Co-Coach: Cindi Delany, DVM, Maddie’s Million Pet Challenge Director of Online Learning at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

Registration Link:

Track Pack Opportunity for Even More Coaching Help

Apply for one of the limited spots in a Fast Track’s “Track Pack” to unlock dedicated coaching sessions and get the extra accountability, motivation, and inspiration you need to get the impact you want. Stay on track by advancing within a tight-knit group of shelters working side-by-side with your coaches to achieve your goals.

As a Track Pack member, you could be spotlighted for other track participants to learn from your challenges and successes. You’ll cheer each other on, exchange experiences and ideas to turn setbacks into solutions, and measure progress together.

Applications will be reviewed and applicants selected on a rolling basis.

Track Pack spots are limited!

Final deadline to apply is March 31, 2023. APPLY NOW HERE!

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