Webinar – 7/24/24 – Who let the dogs out? Unleashing solutions: Finding solutions to the problem of Fiji’s free-roaming dog population – Getting 2 Zero

Getting 2 Zero Presents: Overpopulation of dogs is an issue in Fiji, similar to many other South Pacific and industralized nations worldwide. This presentation explores results from a door-to-door survey in the Tavakubu ward of Lautoka, highlighting the impacts of human behavior in maintaining free-roaming dog populations, including ownership apathy, indiscriminate feeding, and low compliance with responsible pet ownership practices.
Hybrid Course – Sign-up deadline 2/1/24 – Behavior and Enrichment Academy & Resources (BEAR) – San Diego Humane Soicety

San Diego Humane Society and Shelter Playgroup Alliance Present (fee applies): Sign up today for the Spring 2024 cohort beginning Feb. 1! At the end of this rigorous, multi-phase educational program, participants will be prepared to perform the key tasks of a shelter behavior professional.
Webinar – 12/2/23 – Neighborhood Cats Trapper Certification Webinar – Community Cats Podcast

Community Cats Podcast Presents: Are you ready to be part of the solution for feral and stray cats in your neighborhood? Our expert instructors will teach you best practices for Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and colony management. Learn what TNR is and why it works. We’ll cover getting along with neighbors, preparations for trapping, trapping itself (including entire colonies at once), feeding, providing winter shelter, and more.
Online Course – Starts 1/8/24 – Principles of Contemporary Animal Services Certificate Course – Best Friends and Southern Utah University (fee applies)

Best Friends and Southern Utah University Present (fee applies): The Principles of Contemporary Animal Services certificate course is a great way to develop an understanding of the animal services profession by learning about the field’s history, current state, and future possibilities.
Online Event – 7/18/20 – 2020 Online Feline Leukemia Day – Community Cats Podcast

Community Cats Podcast Presents: Our first-ever online FeLV Educational Day. We will have a wonderful group of speakers sharing their expertise around Feline Leukemia.
BLOG: Pets, Mental Health & COVID-19

Since I was a young child I have had a deep understanding of how animals can bring happiness into peoples’ lives. My first word as a 1 year old was “dog” and I grew up wanting to become a veterinarian due to my passion for animals and the love they give. However, in my later years I began to recognize the impact pets can have on your mental health as well.