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Webinar Series – 5/20/25 – Doors Wide Open – Successful Program Profiles: Neighborhood Pets and their Community-Centered Well-Being for People and Pets – Open Door Veterinary Collective

May 20 @ 12:00 PM PDT

Dog stands in front of cabinets behind guardian's legs

Topic: Successful Program Profiles: Neighborhood Pets and their Community-Centered Well-Being for People and Pets

Join Geraldine, Becca and Janet as they discuss the community-centered approach of Neighborhood Pets Outreach & Resource Center, a membership-based, Cleveland nonprofit created by proximate leaders—those deeply connected to the communities they serve. They have built strong human service and community development partnerships to help families also access vital healthcare, legal and emergency resources.

This webcast highlights how Neighborhood Pets offers adaptable strategies for innovative community building in support of human and pet well-being!

Guest Speakers:

– Geraldine D’Silva, National Director of Programs & Partnerships at Open Door Veterinary Collective

– Janet Hoy-Gerlach, PhD, LCSW, LISW-S, Director of Veterinary Social Work at Open Door Veterinary Collective

– Becca Britton, Executive Director at Neighborhood Pets

Register here: https://maddiesfund-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1QXhCo6QRRSKBYInJ_Ki0Q#/

Join Open Door Veterinary Collective for lively conversations as we explore innovative and practical solutions that organizations are using to address barriers to accessing pet care and resources in their communities.

We’ll cover various topics and share successful strategies through short 30-minute presentations, panel discussions, video snippets and Q&A sessions.

Topics and featured programs include:
• Pet Inclusive Transportation Options
• Access to Financially Friendly Pet Services
• Engaging with Human and Social Service Providers to Increase Access to Care
• Successful Program Profiles: Neighborhood Pets and their Community-Centered Well-Being for People and Pets
• How to Multiply Existing Donor Dollars for Veterinary Care in Your Community and more!

Who should attend? Everyone is welcome! This series is perfect for those interested or involved in access to veterinary care. Each session will be recorded and viewable on-demand within a few days after the event.

Come make friends and learn to make access to care more achievable for all involved! #ThanksToMaddie

Learn more: https://forum.maddiesfund.org/opendoorwebcasts


May 20
12:00 PM PDT
Event Category:

