This calendar is a listing of webinars, other learning opportunities, online meetings and other upcoming national events related to animal sheltering and related areas of interest.

Only some of these events are produced by the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program. Most are being created and sponsored by other groups and agencies.  Being listed here does not mean that we have reviewed the material contained.  We are trying to provide a variety of resources to hopefully help make your life a little easier.  For additional information on any of these items before or after the event please contact the organizer directly (listed in the item description).

Know of any event that we are missing that you think should be shown here?

CLICK TO:  Add a New Event to Site Calendar

California Shelters – CASCAR Weekly COVID-19 Check-In Call – link in CA Group Activity Feed

UC Davis KSMP Presents: For California animal shelters - join us on Tuesdays at 10 AM for a weekly “California Shelters COVID-19 Check-In” Zoom meeting with Dr. Kate Hurley from KSMP. Zoom meeting registration link is posted in the Private California shelter’s group page.

Webinar – 5/20/20 – Shifting Your Events Online During COVID-19 – GuideStar/GrantSpace

Join Nonprofit New York and Candid to learn how in a short amount of time they have shifted their in-person events to an online format during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. In this webinar, the panelists will share how they determined the purpose of events, evaluated different scenarios, selected an online platform, leveraged their talents, and delivered successful events. The panelists will have an honest conversation on how they managed these programmatic changes and what lessons they learned throughout the process.

Webinar – 5/20/20 – Hashtags and Hate Mail – The AAWA

Do you dread putting a found dog on Instagram because the public will declare that you have him on death row? Do you struggle to respond to cranky questions about your agency in public forums? Do you find yourself on pins and needles when making a tough decision on a cat who is a Facebook favorite? Learn new approaches to dealing with abusive language, primarily in social media situations. This session will offer you guidance on constructive public messaging on sensitive industry topics and help you turn the page on keyboard warriors.

Webinar – 5/20/20 – Caring for Kittens During COVID-19 and Beyond: Old Strategies and New Lessons – ASPCAPro

Response to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought the animal welfare community together in an unprecedented way to assess the services we provide to our community and to evaluate our protocols and processes. This need for assessment and evaluation was particularly important for our intake and care decisions for neonatal kittens. We will review the existing best practices that provide a consistent foundation for success in neonatal kitten care as well as discuss which practices adopted during the pandemic response are likely to withstand the test of time.

Webinar – 5/21/20 – Mitigating Risk: Common Claims Against Shelters, Dog Bites, Foster Liability and More – CalAnimals

Animal Keepers Insurance will lead a discussion to answer our questions and provide guidance to help California shelters mitigate risk. With so many shelter pets now in foster care, who is responsible when the foster dog bites the neighbor? What are best practices in disclosing animal behavior information? What are the most common claims made against shelters? Do you have other questions? Let us know!

Webinar – 5/21/20 – Chameleon Shelter Software – Chameleon Basics – Kennel Intake and Outcome – Chameleon

As a continuation of the Chameleon Basics webinar, this session will focus on the most common scenarios of animal intakes and outcomes. It will be geared toward beginning users. Because procedures can vary greatly from agency to agency, we intend to keep the webinar simple and pointed, reserving a long period for question and answer at the end of the session for general discussion.

Webinar – 5/21/20 – Getting Healthy Together Strengthens the Human Animal Bond – Virox

This presentation will take a look at how pets and their owners can get healthier during the pandemic. Physical health and mental health for both pet owners and pets are increasingly strained while observing the stay at home orders. The presentation will discuss the benefits of the human animal bond – on both parties – and discuss strategies for improving health while quarantined.

National Shelter Medicine Rounds – 5/21/20 – Thursday Edition during COVID-19 – University of Wisconsin and UC Davis Shelter Medicine Programs

University of Wisconsin and UC Davis Shelter Medicine Programs Present Shelter Medicine Rounds: We will be more regularly offering National Shelter Medicine Rounds short term to discuss COVID-19 impacts on shelter medicine on Tuesdays from 3-4pm CT (1pmPT/2pmMT/4pmET)  and Thursdays from 2-3pm CT (12pmPT/1pmMT/3pmET). You are welcome to email questions or topics you hope to be discussed during rounds in advance to and you are always encouraged to come prepared to unmute to ask questions and participate in discussion at any point. I will be sending email reminders of upcoming rounds in advance as well as sharing recordings after the fact.

This group is made up of shelter veterinarians, shelter vet trainees, and upper level shelter leadership. If you know anyone that would like to be added to the national shelter medicine rounds email list to regularly receive scheduling updates and recordings moving forward, please have them email a request to be added to the email group to

Webinar – 5/22/20 – ShelterLuv Shelter Software Best Practices Session – ShelterLuv

From ShelterLuv – Join us Friday, May 22nd for our Best Practices and Customer Success Tracking Session. We’ve scheduled a second session to accommodate the demand! Shelterluv’s Customer Solutions team will walk you through product best practices (all free) to ensure you are prepared for the current environment and beyond. We will also introduce our Customer Success Report so you can see where your organization stands on Shelterluv usage and possible areas of opportunity.

Advice Hour – Maddie’s Lifesaving Academy – Maddie’s Fund

Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month the Maddie’s Lifesaving Academy Instructors will be available for live shelter advising. Our instructors are experts in the field with over 50 years of combined shelter leadership. Have doubts, questions, or just need to talk through ideas? Join us, for these live counseling sessions. You can pop in for 5 minutes to ask one question, or stay for the whole event. We are here to support your brave, lifesaving efforts. We got y’all.
Our instructors will rotate and while each has their own individualized specialties, we work very closely as a team. Each instructor has worked in shelter leadership and over the last two years taught and advised hundreds of shelters to increase lifesaving, using sustainable, realistic methods.

Behavior and Training Online Conference – 5/23/20 to 5/25/20 – The Lemonade Conference – Behavior and Training – IAABC And FDSA

As dog trainers, it’s not about what we can’t do — it’s about what we can do! So when COVID-19 shut down IAABC and FDSA’s in-person training conferences, we took those lemons, squeezed them, added some water, sugar, and a splash of attitude and we made … lemonade!

Working together, IAABC and FDSA created The Lemonade Conference, a highly affordable online educational extravaganza of unprecedented size and scope — 40+ presenters with two simultaneous classrooms running for three days, 18 hours a day. And for those not available for the live event, we will include a free “library” of all of the presentations, included in your registration fee (conference must be purchased before it ends; videos are then available for at least a year in your library). Watch the recordings from the comfort of your living room in the months following the conference — always at your leisure.

California Shelters – CASCAR Weekly COVID-19 Check-In Call – link in CA Group Activity Feed

UC Davis KSMP Presents: For California animal shelters - join us on Tuesdays at 10 AM for a weekly “California Shelters COVID-19 Check-In” Zoom meeting with Dr. Kate Hurley from KSMP. Zoom meeting registration link is posted in the Private California shelter’s group page.