Get More Animals Home with Back Where They Belong Summit Sessions and Resources, Now On-Demand

Access resources and short, solution-packed sessions to get animals home faster, easier, better—Now on-demand at Maddie’s University for free, #ThankstoMaddie!
Tackle Controlled Drug and Premises Permit Regulations Head-on to Deliver Better Care

What does your shelter need to know to tackle challenges to the delivery of veterinary services head-on? It’s all covered in a new on-demand webinar and short course from the Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge Learniverse.
Expert Advice on Fighting Infectious Disease, Now On-Demand

Get new resources and answers to help you curb infectious disease, on-demand now! UNLEARN unhelpful myths and walk away with tools and techniques that will lead to healthier animals, less stress for you, and make your job of serving the pets and people in your community easier.
Curbing Disease as Intake Rises: Prevent, Fight and Win Today

From animal care attendants to RVTs and beyond, everyone in the shelter has the power to have a big impact on animal health. Does it seem like animals keep getting sick no matter what you do, especially right now with intake numbers climbing in many shelters? Does URI have to be status quo for summer? Is parvo inevitable? Have you wondered what else you can do to get ahead of these vicious cycles? This webinar is for you!
Sign Up Now: Post-Summit Fast Tracks Begin Next Week

Now that the Shelter Summit event is over, it’s time to join Fast Tracks and Track Packs! You can find schedules, registration links, and descriptions of each track below. Be […]
Learn New Moves and Create the Change You Want With the Spring 2023 Shelter Summit and Fast Tracks

Register now for the Spring 2023 Shelter Summit and Fast Tracks to learn by doing, create the change you want to see, and go further together with colleagues and expert coach support. #ThankstoMaddie, participation in the Shelter Summit and Fast Tracks is absolutely free and everyone is welcome. Share this with your team!
New Course Covers Community Cat Program Dos and Don’ts

In this new course from Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge, join Bruce Wagman, Lead Counsel for San Francisco SPCA’s Shelter Policy and Legal Services (Shelter PALS), to explore community cat programs and learn how effective CCPs operate within legal considerations.
Get Clear on the Ins and Outs of Intake and Holding Periods

Knowing which animals should enter the shelter and how long they must stay is crucial to prioritizing intake of the animals who truly need to be at your shelter. Clear up confusion and review the laws surrounding intake and holding periods in this new course from the Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge Learniverse!
How Your Team Can Tap into the Power of Yes to Send More Animals Home

70% of US households have a pet, but only a fraction of those animals are adopted from animal shelters. In a new webcast and short, self-paced course from Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge, California for All Animals State Director Allison Cardona explores barriers that typically push potential adopters away from animal shelters and presents strategies that can lower these hurdles, help more animals reach a live outcome and a happy life, and help your shelter embrace and welcome all members of your community.
New Course Helps Keep Animals on Track to the Right Outcome

The Right Outcome, the capstone course in the Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge Learniverse Four Rights series, is here to help you match each animal with the outcome that is right for them and make a plan to achieve it. Learn how to leverage Return-to-Home principles and remove barriers to get more animals home, and leave with strategies for avoiding decision fatigue while making decisions with compassion, empathy, and clarity.