Tackle Controlled Drug and Premises Permit Regulations Head-on to Deliver Better Care

Controlled Drugs and Premises Permits in Your Shelter

Why this matters now

Intakes are outpacing outcomes as communities and shelters are struggling to access veterinary care. A recent survey showed 66% of California shelters have no veterinarian on staff and 26% lack RVTs. Community members outside shelter walls face the same challenges to accessing care for pets, and the struggle is greater in underresourced areas and veterinary deserts where affordable care may be nearly impossible to come by.

More than ever, it’s critical to make the most of the resources we do have, but first we have to understand the state and federal regulations that impact the care we can provide.

What exactly does your shelter need to know about controlled drugs and premises permits? It’s all covered in a new on-demand webinar and short course from the Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge Learniverse.

Cut through the confusion and earn CE while you learn the essentials!

In Decoding Compliance: What You Need to Know about Controlled Drugs and Premises Permits in Your Shelter, Bruce Wagman (Lead Counsel for SF SPCA’s Shelter Pals) and Cindi Delany (DVM and Director of Online Learning for Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge) will guide you through each topic:

  • Understanding Legal Dynamics: Gain valuable access to the inner workings of the legal landscape governing medical and euthanasia services in shelters. Discover the transformative impact of understanding the agencies that impact the type and quality of care you provide.
  • Decoding Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) & Veterinary Medical Board (VMB) Roles: Untangle regulations around controlled substances, enhance your understanding of premises permits, and gain insight into the role of premises permit holders, with a focus on compliance.
  • Strengthen Your Team: Gain insights into the diverse roles of licensed and unlicensed staff in delivering top-tier medical care within shelters. Equip your team with knowledge that will directly amplify care quality.
  • Facilitate Access to Medical Care in Shelters: Explore actionable solutions! Master the art of collaboration with regulatory agencies, opening pathways for advanced medical care for animals in your shelter and in your community.

Discover where you can directly impact the standard of care animals receive in your shelter. Enroll today and get the resources you need to unlock crucial insights and feel empowered to address challenges and navigate the intricate landscape of drug and premises permit regulations. Join the ongoing discussion about this and other topics in the Shelter PALS Legal Series on Maddie’s® Pet Forum.

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