This calendar is a listing of webinars, other learning opportunities, online meetings and other upcoming national events related to animal sheltering and related areas of interest.

Only some of these events are produced by the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program. Most are being created and sponsored by other groups and agencies.  Being listed here does not mean that we have reviewed the material contained.  We are trying to provide a variety of resources to hopefully help make your life a little easier.  For additional information on any of these items before or after the event please contact the organizer directly (listed in the item description).

Know of any event that we are missing that you think should be shown here?

CLICK TO:  Add a New Event to Site Calendar

Weekly Call – Monday Mornings – Connect With Other Animal Shelter Professionals – Maddie’s Fund

Maddie's Fund Presents: Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, animal shelter workers, volunteers and animal welfare leaders from across the country have been meeting every Monday morning - NEW TIME 8 AM PT/11 AM ET as of 9/23/20 - to discuss protocols, ideas, obstacles they’re facing and more.


Webinar – 11/16/20 – Stress Resilience – Banfield


Banfield Presents: Resiliency is the ability to adapt and bounce back when things don’t go as planned. And with stress being a part of our everyday lives, we want to provide you with tools to help you become more resilient in times of stress and uncertainty. It’s not about being faced with stress, it’s more how you react to it. Stress affects your ability to work — which can have a consequence on your overall career wellbeing— but, more importantly, stress can affect your health.


Webinar – 11/16/20 – Common Dental and Oral Pathology – VDOS (fee applies)


VDOS Presents (fee applies): This webinar will review the most common dental and oral pathologies in dogs and cats, including periodontal disease, gingival enlargement, oral ulcers, stomatitis, eosinophilic granuloma, pyogenic granuloma, tooth wear, tooth fracture, endodontic and periapical disease, tooth resorption, jaw fracture, temporomandibular joint disorders, palate defects, oral soft tissue trauma, and oral tumors. The focus is on recognizing potential causes and diagnostic features of these conditions. The didactic lecture will last 1.5 hours, but the webinar is designed so that there is extra time for interactive participation and answering your questions.
