This calendar is a listing of webinars, other learning opportunities, online meetings and other upcoming national events related to animal sheltering and related areas of interest.

Only some of these events are produced by the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program. Most are being created and sponsored by other groups and agencies.  Being listed here does not mean that we have reviewed the material contained.  We are trying to provide a variety of resources to hopefully help make your life a little easier.  For additional information on any of these items before or after the event please contact the organizer directly (listed in the item description).

Know of any event that we are missing that you think should be shown here?

CLICK TO:  Add a New Event to Site Calendar

Webinar – 5/8/23 – The Handler End of the Leash: How Body Language Tells the Tale with Suzanne Clothier – PPG (fee applies)


PPG Presents (fee applies): Much of dog training is focused on the dog, or the mechanics of markers and rewards. Yet in many ways, handlers can and do affect their dog’s behavior and learning. Many training problems are rooted in communication issues, caused by a handler’s body language and unintended messages.

$30 – $35

Online Meeting – Mondays – Weekly Community Conversations #ThanksToMaddie – Maddie’s Fund


Maddie's Fund Presents: Maddie’s Fund hosts a weekly 50-minute Zoom call for animal well-being professionals. These calls are a collaborative space to share exciting new programs and research, discuss uncomfortable topics, connect with peers in the industry, and more, all while sharing a common goal of preserving the human-animal bond.


Webinar – 5/10/23 – Turn Your Board Into a Lead Generating Machine – Network for Good


Network for Good Presents: Most board members are awesome people committed to putting good work into your organization. Yet, fundraising can be intimidating. That’s why we’ll teach you how to simplify your board’s role in your fundraising to make it super easy and fun for them to connect with potential supports and generate leads for you…without feeling rejected, ineffective or pushy.


Webinar – 5/11/23 – Reducing the Baseline: Setting Your Dog Up for Success Before B-mod – FDSA (fee applies)


FDSA Presents (fee applies): This webinar will give you tools and exercises to help create a more thoughtful and focused dog. Both are beneficial when working with a fearful or reactive dog prior to exposing it to potential triggers during the behavior modification process. We will explore ways to decrease the dog's adrenaline (fight or flight), increase their dopamine and serotonin, and take advantage of the oxytocin you share.


Webinar – 5/11/23 – Strategies for Surviving (and Enjoying) Canine Adolescence – FDSA (fee applies)


FDSA Presents (fee applies): From a behavior perspective adolescence is perhaps the phase with the most potential to cause disruption in a household and can really test our skills as a trainer. In this webinar we discuss the changes that are occurring in our dog as they transition from puppyhood into adulthood, as well as practical adjustments we can make to our training during this developmental phase.


Online Event – 5/15/23 – Office Hours: Ask a Dog Trainer with Jen Biglan, KPA CTP – My Dog Is My Home


My Dog Is My Home Presents: Office Hours give you an opportunity to ask questions and troubleshoot issues with an expert on a specific topic. Any dog training or behavior questions may be brought to this office hours session, and the intention is to help you workshop your concern as they relate to policies, procedures, and practices at your own emergency shelter or housing sites.


Online Meeting – Mondays – Weekly Community Conversations #ThanksToMaddie – Maddie’s Fund


Maddie's Fund Presents: Maddie’s Fund hosts a weekly 50-minute Zoom call for animal well-being professionals. These calls are a collaborative space to share exciting new programs and research, discuss uncomfortable topics, connect with peers in the industry, and more, all while sharing a common goal of preserving the human-animal bond.


Zoom Meeting – 3/28/23 to 5/16/23 – Summit Fast Track: How to Make Your Shelter Software Help You Work Smarter, Not Harder – Maddie’s Million Pet Challenge


Maddie's Million Pet Challenge Presents: Is what your shelter software has to say getting lost in translation? Start transforming numbers and patterns in your intake and outcome reports into concrete benefits for animals and staff. Discover how to increase live release and lower length of stay based on information you already have at your fingertips.


Webinar – 5/16/23 – Emotions Inside Out – Dog iBox (fee applies)


Dog iBox Presents (fee applies): What does joy feel like to you? Is it the same for the person sitting next to you? Is it the same for the animals in your care? Are emotions pre-wired in the brain or are they learned? Is the topic of emotions even relevant to training animals? These are just a few of the interesting and important questions that surround the topic of emotions. In this session, we will focus on contemporary approaches to understanding emotions with action potential for living and learning with animals.

$29.90 – $39.90

Webinar – 5/16/23 – Outbreak Management in Animal Shelters: Panleuk, Distemper and Ringworm oh my! – VETGirl (fee applies)


VETGirl Presents (fee applies for non-members): In this 1-hour, VETgirl small animal webinar, Dr. Lena DeTar, DACVPM, DABVP-SMP will review three commonly implicated shelter diseases and the principles of outbreak response used to manage them in animal shelters. Tune in to help better understand risk analysis in the shelter and options that can be used to help prevent future outbreaks!

Free – $50

Zoom Meeting – 3/29/23 to 5/17/23 – Summit Fast Track: Proven Barrier-Busting Strategies That Send Animals Home – Maddie’s Million Pet Challenge


Maddie's Million Pet Challenge Presents: Uncover hidden and not-so-hidden roadblocks that are keeping animals in the shelter, contributing to shelter team overwhelm and fatigue, and tying up precious resources. Discover how to clear the way to ensure more pets are reunited with their families or placed in new homes. Tap into opportunities to increase live outcomes and build relationships with potential partners, volunteers, fosters, and adopters in your community.


Zoom Meeting – 3/29/23 to 5/17/23 – Summit Fast Track: Feeling Overwhelmed with Making Outcome Decisions? We can help! – Maddie’s Million Pet Challenge


Maddie's Million Pet Challenge Presents: Shelter teams are faced daily with high-stakes outcome decisions made harder by an increasingly complex and strained system. We’ll discuss some of the issues at play and help you to develop tools to remove bottlenecks to outcomes and overcome the toughest decision-making dilemmas, from adoption to euthanasia, with transparency and compassion.
