This calendar is a listing of webinars, other learning opportunities, online meetings and other upcoming national events related to animal sheltering and related areas of interest.

Only some of these events are produced by the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program. Most are being created and sponsored by other groups and agencies.  Being listed here does not mean that we have reviewed the material contained.  We are trying to provide a variety of resources to hopefully help make your life a little easier.  For additional information on any of these items before or after the event please contact the organizer directly (listed in the item description).

Know of any event that we are missing that you think should be shown here?

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Webinar Series – 8/19/20 – Reading Dog and Cat Body Language – Alive and Thriving Animal Behavior Seminars – Kelly Bollen


Alive and Thriving Presents: Four-session online seminar presented by Kelley Bollen, MS, CABC, specifically designed for staff at animal shelters, rescues, and nonprofit veterinary clinics.


Webinar for CalAnimals Members – 8/19/20 – Human Animal Social Services (HASS) – Prototyping an entirely new system to serve pets and people in our communities – CalAnimals


CalAnimals Presents: For CalAnimals Members - The animal sheltering system as we know it was created more than 100 years ago and depended on addressing animal issues separately from human issues. Today, many recognize we are long overdue for a new approach that is in line with human social services, social justice movements, and considers animals as part of family systems. Join members of the Executive Committee and some of the animal shelter directors involved in the Human Animal Social Services coalition (HASS). Hear about how collaboration with shelters around the country prototyping an entirely new system to serve pets and people in our communities. This session will clarify the tenets of HASS, dispel any misinformation and ultimately, encourage other organizations to consider a reimagining of animal sheltering.

Webinar – 8/19/20 – ASPCA Poison Control Center – Xylitol: Biting Off More Than Your Dog’s Liver Can Chew – ASPCA Pro


ASPCAPro Presents: From bulk sweetener to chewing gum, Dr. Charlotte Means of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center will walk you through the effects xylitol has on canines, teach you how to calculate an estimated exposure dose, and help you navigate treatment options. Join us to determine what products have xylitol lurking in them and what bodily systems would take the biggest hit.


Webinar Series – Thursdays in August – Shelter Behavior Seminar 2 with Kelley Bollen – CalAnimals (fee applies)

CalAnimals Presents (fee applies): This 4-session workshop, presented by Kelley Bollen, MS, CABC, and designed for all levels of shelter staff, will dive deeper into understanding and improving animal behavior while helping shelters to improve outcomes.

$40 – $55

Webinar – 8/20/20 – What are Mesopredators? Taking a Deeper Look at Solving Problems with Our Smallest Urban Predators – NACA/Justice Clearinghouse


NACA/Justice Clearinghouse Present: Do all opossums have rabies? How can you avoid being sprayed by a skunk? What should you do about raccoons living inside attics or chimneys? This webinar will take a deeper look into the ecology of the most common mesopredators (including foxes, raccoons, opossums, and skunks) in our urban and suburban communities. Learn through video examples about their behaviors, how they have adapted to live in urban areas, and how they flourish as our wild neighbors. This webinar will also discuss the most common conflicts (real or perceived) that these species can create, and the best methods for preventing and solving them when they do occur.


Online Event – 8/20/20 – Ken Ramirez, Malena DeMartinin-Price and Terrie Hayward – Helping Animals Overcome Separation Anxiety – Karen Pryor Academy


Karen Pryor Academy Presents: Join Ken Ramirez, KPCT’s Chief Training Officer, for a free hour-long virtual event live from The Ranch on Thursday, August 20 at 12:00 pm (PT). Ken will be joined by Malena DeMartini-Price and Terrie Hayward to talk about ways to help our animals overcome separation anxiety.


Million Cat Challenge Kitten Webinar Series – Thursdays 8/6/20 to 9/3/20 – Webinar #3 – 8/20/20 – Foster Greatness – MCC and Royal Canin


Million Cat Challenge/Maddie's Fund and Royal Canine Present: A series of 4 webinars on kittens in shelters and foster care - including 8/6/20 - Kitten Intake in Animal Shelters, 8/13/20 - Support for Kittens in the Field, 8/20/20 - Foster Greatness, 8/27/20 - Kitten Care in the Shelter, 9/3/20 - Going Home. Join us with the nation's leading experts on kittens in shelters and foster homes to learn about all things kitten in today's world.


Town Hall – 3 Part Mini-Series – 8/13/20, 8/20/20, 8/27/20 – 2020: the Times They Are A-Changin’ – Best Friends


Best Friends Presents: The impacts of COVID-19 on every aspect of life are immeasurable and animal welfare is no exception. However, one of the greatest realizations to emerge from the pandemic is that real change is possible in our field. Join us for a three-part series as we dive into navigating the landscape of change, especially as it pertains to leveraging our communities and removing barriers to support lifesaving work.


Webinar – 8/20/20 – Jessica Hekman, PhD, DVM – The Genetics of Personality – FDSA (fee applies)


FDSA Presents (fee applies): What do (and don't) we know about how genetics affects canine personality? In this webinar, Jessica Hekman will take a deep dive into her own area of research - how genetics affects personality in dogs. How much of canine personality is due to genetics and how much to environment? How do researchers track down genes related to personality? Have any such genes yet been found? Can we expect a genetic test for dog reactivity any time soon?


Webinar – 8/20/20 – Veterinary Medicine in the COVID-19 Era: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going? J. Scott Weese, DVM, DVSc, DACVIM (LAIM) – VIN/VSPN


VIN/VSPN Present Rounds (for members): Dr. J. Scott Weese discusses - It's been over 6 months since SARS-CoV-2 arrived in North America. This session will take a look at where we stand on the epidemic curve, highlight proven and unproven mitigation measures, update what we know about animals, and focus on how we continue to function.


Webinar – 8/20/20 – Barbara Lloyd – PTSD in Dogs and Concrete Advice for the People Who Love Them – FDSA (fee applies)


FDSA Presents (fee applies): There is a lack of information available to individuals who adopt pets with traumatic pasts but we absolutely have knowledge and techniques for helping dogs that show clear signs of PTSD and trauma from their past. Sharing this information, discussing behaviors associated with canine PTSD, and helping handlers identify possible triggers and a game plan for how to best live with, love and support a dog with PTSD is is the subject of this webinar.


Online Meeting – Fridays – Animal Welfare Leadership Round Up – Hosted by Maddie’s Fund


Maddie's Fund Presents - These calls are for executive and leadership level staff. 150 to 200 shelter professionals, national leaders and shelter veterinarians typically participate and we discuss everything from disaster and emergency relief planning, to creating more diverse, equitable and inclusive organizations, to addressing the realities of budget reductions and the need to pivot to better serve people and animals. No registration needed! Just click the meeting link to join.


Online Event – Wednesdays – Maddie’s Instructor Summit – AmPa!

AmPa! Presents: The AmPA! weekly Maddie's Instructor Summit offers shelters and rescues a chance to talk through the most current animal sheltering challenges! Topics will change each week. You'll join Dr. Ellen Jefferson and the instructors from Maddie's Lifesaving Academy, as well as other industry leaders, but, more importantly, you'll be able to engage face to face (digitally!) with people like you. Because not feeling alone makes this work a lot easier.

Online Event – Fridays – Maddie’s Instructor Summit – AmPa!

AmPa! Presents: The AmPA! weekly Maddie's Instructor Summit offers shelters and rescues a chance to talk through the most current animal sheltering challenges! Topics will change each week. You'll join Dr. Ellen Jefferson and the instructors from Maddie's Lifesaving Academy, as well as other industry leaders, but, more importantly, you'll be able to engage face to face (digitally!) with people like you. Because not feeling alone makes this work a lot easier.

Online Event – Fridays – Maddie’s Instructor Summit – AmPa!

AmPa! Presents: The AmPA! weekly Maddie's Instructor Summit offers shelters and rescues a chance to talk through the most current animal sheltering challenges! Topics will change each week. You'll join Dr. Ellen Jefferson and the instructors from Maddie's Lifesaving Academy, as well as other industry leaders, but, more importantly, you'll be able to engage face to face (digitally!) with people like you. Because not feeling alone makes this work a lot easier.

Workshop – 8/22/20 – Neighborhood Cats TNR Certification Workshop – Community Cats Podcast (small fee applies)


Community Cats Podcast Presents (fee applies): Are you ready to be part of the solution for feral and stray cats in your neighborhood? Learn what TNR is, why it works, and how to get started. Our expert instructors will teach you the best practices for Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and colony management. Plus, you’ll receive a certificate of completion after you attend.
