Welcome to our Shelter Industry Events Calendar! Here, you’ll find a variety of webinars, learning opportunities, online meetings, and national events focused on animal sheltering and related interests. While some events are hosted by the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program, most are organized by other groups and agencies. Please note that being listed here doesn’t mean we’ve reviewed the material.

We’re here to provide you with a range of resources to help make your life easier. For more details about any event, feel free to contact the organizer directly (you’ll find their info in the event description). Know of any event that we are missing that you think should be shown here? EMAIL US at events@sheltermedportal.com

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Online Conference: 7/24/20 to 7/26/20 – Shelter Behavior and Enrichment Conference – Shelter Playgroup Alliance

Shelter Playgroup Alliance Presents: Learn about shelter animal welfare, enrichment, and playgroups! Who should attend? Shelter staff, shelter volunteers, and shelter leadership. Dog day care staff, dog walkers, and dog trainer would also benefit from the topics presented. What will be presented? Leaders in behavioral science, animal welfare, enrichment, and inter-dog interactions will present research and strategies for enhancing animal welfare and dog-dog interactions, including play.

Online Conference: 7/24/20 to 7/26/20 – Shelter Behavior and Enrichment Conference – Shelter Playgroup Alliance

Shelter Playgroup Alliance Presents: Learn about shelter animal welfare, enrichment, and playgroups! Who should attend? Shelter staff, shelter volunteers, and shelter leadership. Dog day care staff, dog walkers, and dog trainer would also benefit from the topics presented. What will be presented? Leaders in behavioral science, animal welfare, enrichment, and inter-dog interactions will present research and strategies for enhancing animal welfare and dog-dog interactions, including play.

Online Conference: 7/24/20 to 7/26/20 – Shelter Behavior and Enrichment Conference – Shelter Playgroup Alliance

Shelter Playgroup Alliance Presents: Learn about shelter animal welfare, enrichment, and playgroups! Who should attend? Shelter staff, shelter volunteers, and shelter leadership. Dog day care staff, dog walkers, and dog trainer would also benefit from the topics presented. What will be presented? Leaders in behavioral science, animal welfare, enrichment, and inter-dog interactions will present research and strategies for enhancing animal welfare and dog-dog interactions, including play.

Online Workshop – 11/7/20 – Shelter Enrichment and Inter-dog Communication – Shelter Playgroup Alliance


Shelter Playgroup Alliance Presents: This is the first of a two-part workshop series on the implementation of enrichment and inter-dog playgroups in shelters. During this first session we will review the components of a shelter enrichment program and discuss how inter-dog playgroups play a role. Additionally, we will take a dive into inter-canine communication signals that serve as a foundation for the management of dog playgroup.


Online Event – 1/9/21, 2/13/21, or 3/6/21 – SPA Workshop Session 1: Shelter Enrichment and Inter-dog Communication – Shelter Playgroup Alliance


Shelter Playgroup Alliance Presents: Shelter Enrichment and Inter-dog Communication is the first of a two-part workshop series on the implementation of enrichment and inter-dog playgroups in shelters. During this first session we will review the components of a shelter enrichment program and discuss how inter-dog playgroups play a role. Additionally, we will take a dive into inter-canine communication signals that serve as a foundation for the management of dog playgroups.


Online Event – 1/10/21, 2/14/21, or 3/7/21 – SPA Workshop Session 2: Interdog Play and Managing Play the LIMA Way – Shelter Playgroup Alliance


Shelter Playgroup Alliance Presents: Interdog Play and Managing Play the LIMA Way is the second of a two-part workshop series on the implementation of enrichment and inter-dog playgroups in shelters. During this session we will discuss appropriate inter-dog play and how to manage playgroups using the LIMA ethical standard
