Welcome to our Shelter Industry Events Calendar!

Here, you’ll find a variety of webinars, learning opportunities, online meetings, and national events focused on animal sheltering and related interests.

While some events are hosted by the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program, most are organized by other groups and agencies. Please note that being listed here doesn’t mean we’ve reviewed the material.

We’re here to provide you with a range of resources to help make your life easier. For more details about any event, feel free to contact the organizer directly (you’ll find their info in the event description).

Know of any event that we are missing that you think should be shown here? EMAIL US at events@sheltermedportal.com

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Webinar – 5/7/20 – Stronger Together: Building Healthier Human-Animal Bonds in the 21st Century – Virox

Humanity's fate has always been linked to the health and cooperation of other animals. While it may seem like 21st Century technology has usurped our dependence upon and responsibility for the wellbeing of animals, it has done the opposite. Technology is revealing just how essential the human-animal bond remains. This presentation will reexamine the profound […]

Webinar – 6/4/20 – Welcome Back to Business As Unusual: Practicing Tomorrow’s Veterinary Medicine Today – Fear Free & Virox

Fear Free and Virox Present: COVID has forced change in veterinary practice more dramatically and faster than anything in our memories or experience. Telemedicine seemed so far off and now most of us are using it in some capacity. Some of us dreamed of just seeing pets without their people, and those dreams have come true! All joking aside, we can now see how pets respond when mom and dad aren’t in the building with them. We’re discovering new efficiencies we never thought possible. In this webinar you’ll learn how to be forward thinking, creative, adaptive, compassionate, efficient, and healthy (physically and emotionally) while delivering the kind of veterinary care that will have pet parents coming in more often and referring others to taste for themselves. Welcome to “business as unusual” or “returning to business as abnormal” as we embrace the change thrust upon us and harness it for growth.

Webinar – 6/18/20 – COVID-19 & Companion Animal Settings: Practical measures for protecting your team and your clients in returning back to business – Virox

Virox Presents: This webinar is aimed at veterinarians, animal technicians, office managers, employees and volunteers in clinical or group animal settings. A series of practical measures are discussed with regards to addressing critical control points in terms of infection and how to minimize risk, and protect yourself, your team and your clients. Consideration is given to minimizing disruption while phasing into the new normal in day-to-day operations.

Webinar – 6/25/20 – Pandemics and the Preparedness in the Anthropocene – Virox

Virox Presents: This talk will explore how global changes, including climate change, globalization and urbanization will affect zoonotic diseases risks and management and propose general strategies to prepare for unanticipated zoonotic disease events. The talk will discuss how knowledge partnerships are critical to better anticipate and prepare for changes in zoonotic disease epidemiology and risks.

Webinar – 7/15/20 – 5 Challenges to Managing a Veterinary Practice Post COVID-19 – Virox

Virox Presents: By July, much of the North America’s shelter-in-place restrictions will be lifted and the full impact of the shutdown will come more clearly into view.Veterinary hospitals will try to return to business-as-usual, but a global recession, continued outbreaks of disease, employees unwilling to return to work, cash strapped clients, and lingering fears of social contact may make that an elusive goal. Here is what practices should do to mitigate these five challenges and to reduce their impact on the business and staff.

Webinar – 7/16/20 – Ask an Expert – Infection Prevention – Virox

Virox Presents: As restrictions begin to ease, and we begin to review our operating procedures, there is one thing that we all have in common, infection prevention has become everyone’s business. You probably have a lot of questions about how to stay safe and do your part to keep COVID-19 out of your workplace, and you’re not alone.

Webinar – 8/13/20 – Thinking Differently About Websites – Virox


Virox Presents: There is a fundamental mistake that we all too often make when thinking about websites: we speak to the wrong part of the brain. You might think that a pet owner is on your website to ask questions such as "who are you, what do you do, and where do you do it?" - but the real question they are asking is much older... "can I trust you?" In order to attract more high quality clients, we must turn our attention towards the limbic system; the part of the brain that regulates emotions and social relationships. In this webinar, you will learn a fundamentally different way of looking at your website, and it just might change everything about your strategy.


Webinar – 9/10/20 – Zoonoses, disasters, and veterinarians…oh my! – Virox


Virox Presents: Emerging pathogens are center stage these days, but that doesn’t mean that this pandemic is raging on in a vacuum. Hurricane season started June 1 and the Atlantic is just heading into the peak time for storms. What happens if we have a hurricane during a pandemic? What if the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is joined by that recently isolated novel influenza in…China? In these types of crises, veterinarians are integral - but do you know what to do? Or more importantly, not do? What to expect? How to disinfect? Join me for a lively exploration of emerging diseases, disasters, and what to do when…especially to prevent further disease transmission.


Webinar – 11/12/20 – Dogs on the Move​​​​​​ – Mitigating infectious disease risk while saving lives through international dog transport – Virox


Virox Presents: This presentation will discuss current trends in international companion animal transport, risks of importation to both animal welfare and public health, diseases of concern, and recommendations to mitigate the risk of unintentional infectious disease introduction and transmission.

Webinar – 2/25/21 – It took a TEAM to beat Thanos! Why Veterinary Medicine (and the Avengers) is a team sport – Virox


Virox Presents: Veterinary medicine is a team sport, for instance implementing an effective infection prevention program requires the participation of everyone on the roster. So, ensuring our high-performing and highly trained teams work well together is paramount to the success of a veterinary facility. But it sure is not easy! Especially in today’s climate, where pandemic exhaustion is wearing everyone down. Team building requires a ton of hard work, difficult conversations, and alignment around shared goals, values and a clear vision for success. This presentation will discuss the realities of teamwork in the veterinary industry, showcase team dynamics at play and present strategies and techniques to align teams and crush it every day!
