Calling all shelter veterinarians! Would you like to gain additional training, make a positive life-saving impact in your shelter and community, and join a supportive and like-minded group of vets? Apply by June 23 for the 2021/2022 UW Shelter Medicine Program/UC Davis Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Fellowship, which provides all of this to selected fellows at no cost, thanks to a grant from Maddie’s Fund®. 

Through participation in this program, the Fellow will:

  • Become familiar with resources to improve shelter animal health.
  • Become familiar with the ASV Guidelines for Standards of Care.
  • Learn many important elements of shelter consultation, including considerations for housing, population planning, sanitation, physical and behavioral well-being, etc.
  • Interact closely with shelter medicine faculty, resident, fellow alumni and students with a goal that relationships will develop that promote life-long learning and collaboration between practitioners and academics.
  • Attend a one week virtual fellowship training camp ‘Shelter Medicine Intensive’ in order to work closely with other fellows in the program as well as the UW and UC Davis Shelter Medicine teams and veterinary students. 
  • Complete a project focusing on an aspect of interest to the fellow with relevance to their home base shelter and creation of materials to share with the field. 

Year after year Fellowship is ranked as one of the most impactful and enjoyable things the UW and UCD teams engage in. If this opportunity isn’t for you, be a friend and share with anyone you think might benefit. It really is a game-changer.

For full program details and application requirements, visit  

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