This calendar is a listing of webinars, other learning opportunities, online meetings and other upcoming national events related to animal sheltering and related areas of interest.

Only some of these events are produced by the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program. Most are being created and sponsored by other groups and agencies.  Being listed here does not mean that we have reviewed the material contained.  We are trying to provide a variety of resources to hopefully help make your life a little easier.  For additional information on any of these items before or after the event please contact the organizer directly (listed in the item description).

Know of any event that we are missing that you think should be shown here?

CLICK TO:  Add a New Event to Site Calendar

Webinar – 7/6/20 – Starting Small Animal Dentistry – VDOS – (fee applies)

VODS Presents (fee applies): This webinar will introduce you to the world of small animal dentistry and oral surgery. It will explain what equipment, instruments, materials, knowledge and skills are needed to become proficient in this important discipline of veterinary medicine. The didactic lecture will last 1 hour, but the webinar is designed so that there is extra time for interactive participation and answering your questions.
