This calendar is a listing of webinars, other learning opportunities, online meetings and other upcoming national events related to animal sheltering and related areas of interest.

Only some of these events are produced by the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program. Most are being created and sponsored by other groups and agencies.  Being listed here does not mean that we have reviewed the material contained.  We are trying to provide a variety of resources to hopefully help make your life a little easier.  For additional information on any of these items before or after the event please contact the organizer directly (listed in the item description).

Know of any event that we are missing that you think should be shown here?

CLICK TO:  Add a New Event to Site Calendar

Webinar – 3/10/21 – Pharmaceutical Challenges in Sheltering – The AAWA


The AAWA Presents: Medications, including compounds, are often necessary to treat our patients. But the cost of medications can add up quickly and the record keeping requirements can become challenging. This session will cover considerations when using compounded medications, including preparing them in-house. We will also discuss controlled substance record keeping for compounded and commercial products, as well as how COVID-19 has impacted medication access.


Online Event – Wednesdays – The Wednesday Summit #ThankstoMaddie – AmPa!


AmPa! Presents: The AmPA! weekly Maddie's Instructor Summit offers shelters and rescues a chance to talk through the most current animal sheltering challenges! Topics will change each week. You'll join AmPA! and HASS Staff and industry leaders, but, more importantly, you'll be able to engage face to face (digitally!) with people like you. Because not feeling alone makes this work a lot easier.


Webinar – 3/10/21 – Managing Tooth Extraction Complications – VDOS (fee applies)


VDOS Presents (fee applies): This VDOS webinar will review the management of the most common complications that can occur during tooth extraction in dogs and cats, including fractured roots, hemorrhage, trauma to adjacent structures, fracture of the alveolus or jaw, oronasal fistula, trauma from opposing teeth, emphysema and air embolism, and local and systemic infection. The didactic lecture will last 1 hour, but the webinar is designed so that there is extra time for interactive participation and answering your questions.
