This calendar is a listing of webinars, other learning opportunities, online meetings and other upcoming national events related to animal sheltering and related areas of interest.

Only some of these events are produced by the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program. Most are being created and sponsored by other groups and agencies.  Being listed here does not mean that we have reviewed the material contained.  We are trying to provide a variety of resources to hopefully help make your life a little easier.  For additional information on any of these items before or after the event please contact the organizer directly (listed in the item description).

Know of any event that we are missing that you think should be shown here?

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Webinar – 7/6/20 – Starting Small Animal Dentistry – VDOS – (fee applies)

VODS Presents (fee applies): This webinar will introduce you to the world of small animal dentistry and oral surgery. It will explain what equipment, instruments, materials, knowledge and skills are needed to become proficient in this important discipline of veterinary medicine. The didactic lecture will last 1 hour, but the webinar is designed so that there is extra time for interactive participation and answering your questions.


Online Meeting – CASCAR – 7/7/20 – California Animal Shelters – UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

UC Davis KSMP Presents: Our weekly California animal shelters call - CASCAR. There were lots of questions after the webinar we did for Cal Animals during the usual CASCAR slot this week and we didn’t get to all of them, so we figured we could use the time to answer those if there are any lingering. And we are working on a follow up, more tactical session on racial and social justice in California animal sheltering/community animal management, hopefully to really dig into policies and practices that will result in meaningful shifts. If you have questions and ideas to inform planning that would be welcome. Or just in general if you want to drop in and say hi – the truth is we just like to see you all!

Online Course – Starts 7/8/20 – Introduction to Learning – in Animals – Smart Dog Training and Behavior (fee applies)

Smart Dog Training and Behavior Presents: Everything animals do is affected by learning. This includes unhealthy or maladaptive behavior such as aggression and anxiety as well as simple, everyday behavior such as interactions with family members, strangers, and other dogs. In addition, learning is affected by everything we do and experience. Things like trauma and success, as well as feeling excited or scared after a particular experience, all affect how animals learn.


Webinar – 7/8/20 – Animal Relocation in the COVID-19 Era – ASPCAPro

ASPCAPro Presents - Before resuming animal relocation programs amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, it's essential to consider whether it is legally permissible to resume, confirm that the benefits outweigh the risks, and evaluate the scope and readiness of the program in order to mitigate both human and animal disease transmission. This webinar will introduce attendees to a guide that was created to help organizations assess their program's preparedness in resuming animal relocation operations.

Webinar – 7/9/20 – Processing Evidence in Animal Crime Cases – NACA/Justice Clearinghouse

NACA and the Justice Clearinghouse Present: Animal cruelty crimes generate unique and sensitive types of evidence. Some types of evidence, such as ammonia levels are transitory and require situation appropriate collection. Marks of animal struggling or suffering may be subtle but important to detect. Animals themselves may be evidence, whether living or deceased and they themselves present challenges at the crime scene and afterwards. This presentation will cover evidence recognition, documentation, preservation, and collection in a variety of types of animal cruelty crimes.

Webinar – 7/9/20 – Supporting Your Community with a Pet Safety Net – CalAnimals – for CalAnimals Members

CalAnimals Presents - for CalAnimals Members - One of the many ways sheltering services are changing is responding to the needs of pets living in the community. Pet Safety Net programs work to keep pets in their homes by providing support for their care. We will look at the programs offered at Marin Humane and Ventura County Animal Services that assist owners in keeping their pets and preventing surrenders.

Webinar – 7/9/20 – How to Create a Remote Workforce Communication Plan for Your Nonprofit – TechSoup

TechSoup Presents: Remote work is exciting, fun, and different from office work. Getting into communication rhythms and making sure your team is performing well is not always easy. In this webinar, Adam Walker from the digital agency Sideways8 shares what he learned from running a company for 10years that never had an office. He'll talk about how to think about remote work, the levels of communication to consider, and how to create a communications rhythm that will work for your team.

Online Event – 7/9/20 – Ken Ramirez with Allie Bender and Emily Strong – Canine Enrichment for the Real World – Karen Pryor Academy

Karen Pryor Academy Presents: Join Ken Ramirez, KPCT’s Chief Training Officer, for a free hour-long virtual event live from The Ranch on Thursday, July 9 at 12:00 pm (PT). Ken will be joined by Allie Bender and Emily Strong, authors of Canine Enrichment for the Real World, to talk about meeting our dog's needs, enrichment, and more.

Webinar – 7/9/20 – Suzanne Clother – Understanding the Stimulus Gradient: Distance, Duration, & Intensity – FDSA – Webinar Fee Applies

FDSA Presents (fee applies): For the positive reinforcement trainer, a constant goal in any training session is to avoid pushing the dog over the threshold into being overwhelmed, frightened, reactive or activated. But how much is too much? or not enough? When do you move on the next step? What to do if you go too far? Understanding the stimulus gradient provides the answers. The stimulus gradient is the trainer's "mixing board." Every training situation incorporates these three ingredients in varying proportions. Skillful training requires an understanding of how to adjust the individual ingredients, as well as knowing how distance, duration and intensity interact.


Webinar – 7/9/20 – Deb Jones, PhD – The 10 Minute Training Session: 5 Skill Sets You Can Teach From Your Couch – FDSA – fee applies

FDSA Presents (fee applies): Join Deb as she discusses how “couch training” can be a huge boost to your work with your dog and to your dog’s well-being. As a self-proclaimed lazy trainer Deb has designed a number of training exercises that can work both the bodies and brains of her activity loving dogs while she sits on the sofa. Even the highest energy dog can be satisfied (at least temporarily!) with 10 minutes of focused mental & physical activity. Expect to get lots of ideas that can apply to you, and your dog’s, specific needs.


Webinar – 7/10/20 – From Farm to Tablet: Farm Animal Welfare Advocacy – ASPCA

ASPCA Presents: You will hear from the ASPCA’s Farm Animal Welfare department about the work they’re doing to promote humane practices for farmed animals, to expand resources for consumers, and to pass effective legislation and policy. Our Legislative Engagement team will also speak about how citizen advocates can get involved in protecting farm animals.

Online Event – Fridays – Maddie’s Instructor Summit – AmPa!

AmPa! Presents: The AmPA! weekly Maddie's Instructor Summit offers shelters and rescues a chance to talk through the most current animal sheltering challenges! Topics will change each week. You'll join Dr. Ellen Jefferson and the instructors from Maddie's Lifesaving Academy, as well as other industry leaders, but, more importantly, you'll be able to engage face to face (digitally!) with people like you. Because not feeling alone makes this work a lot easier.

Online Event – Fridays – Maddie’s Instructor Summit – AmPa!

AmPa! Presents: The AmPA! weekly Maddie's Instructor Summit offers shelters and rescues a chance to talk through the most current animal sheltering challenges! Topics will change each week. You'll join Dr. Ellen Jefferson and the instructors from Maddie's Lifesaving Academy, as well as other industry leaders, but, more importantly, you'll be able to engage face to face (digitally!) with people like you. Because not feeling alone makes this work a lot easier.

Online Event – Wednesdays – Maddie’s Instructor Summit – AmPa!

AmPa! Presents: The AmPA! weekly Maddie's Instructor Summit offers shelters and rescues a chance to talk through the most current animal sheltering challenges! Topics will change each week. You'll join Dr. Ellen Jefferson and the instructors from Maddie's Lifesaving Academy, as well as other industry leaders, but, more importantly, you'll be able to engage face to face (digitally!) with people like you. Because not feeling alone makes this work a lot easier.