Legal Meets Best Practices 2 (12/13/23)

COMING SOON TO MADDIE’S UNIVERSITY In Part 2 of this two-part series we continue a fun, interactive journey to demystify California’s legal landscape and discover how California laws and regulations can work in harmony with shelter policy to reduce unnecessary intakes and shorten shelter stays.

Legal Meets Best Practices 1 (12/6/23)

NOW AVAILABLE ON DEMAND MADDIE’S UNIVERSITY In Part 1 of this two-part series, we embark on a fun, interactive journey to demystify California’s legal landscape and discover how California laws […]

Veterinary Care in Shelters: Who Can Legally Do What?

Vet places hand on cat, who lies on an exam table with eyes closed

When it comes to veterinary care in animal shelters, it’s crucial to make sure the right person does the right job—and the right person doesn’t always have to be a DVM or RVT! Find out if your shelter is fully leveraging the veterinary care capabilities of your entire team.

Get Clear on the Ins and Outs of Intake and Holding Periods

Young dog rests in shelter housing

Knowing which animals should enter the shelter and how long they must stay is crucial to prioritizing intake of the animals who truly need to be at your shelter. Clear up confusion and review the laws surrounding intake and holding periods in this new course from the Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge Learniverse!

Bright Spots Mini-Podcast Shares Success Stories

Need a boost? Try the new mini-podcast series, Bright Spots. In each brief episode, Team Shelter USA’s Dr. Sara Pizano talks to shelter leaders and other animal welfare heroes, shining a spotlight on a Million Cat Challenge success story.

Rehome Cats in the (Slow) Blink of an Eye

White and gray tabby with eyes almost closed

When it comes to bonding with cats, it’s all about the eyes—and a technique called the slow blink. Research has already shown that initiating this behavior is a way to calm and connect with a cat. New research focused on cats in shelters shows cultivating slow-blink behavior may also help cats find homes faster.