Welcome to our Shelter Industry Events Calendar! Here, you’ll find a variety of webinars, learning opportunities, online meetings, and national events focused on animal sheltering and related interests. While some events are hosted by the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program, most are organized by other groups and agencies. Please note that being listed here doesn’t mean we’ve reviewed the material.

We’re here to provide you with a range of resources to help make your life easier. For more details about any event, feel free to contact the organizer directly (you’ll find their info in the event description). Know of any event that we are missing that you think should be shown here? EMAIL US at events@sheltermedportal.com

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Webinar – 7/29/20 – Confronting Conflict with Teams – Banfield


Banfield Presents: Conflict is something that, as much as we try, we cannot avoid because conflict is comes up anytime your view differs from another’s — and humans are opinionated beings. While most of us have a strong reactions to conflict, including (but not limited to) fear; avoidance; and/or dread, conflict can also have positive impacts. It can allow for exploration of new and different ways of doing things resulting in better outcomes. When we think of the negatives of conflict it’s because of the emotions that conflict evokes — often making situations feel explosive. By learning how to step up to conflict and confronting it head on by using the right approach, you can turn conflict into a positive for both you and your team.


Webinar – 11/13/20 – Confronting Conflict with Teams – Banfield


Banfield Presents: Conflict is something that, as much as we try, we cannot avoid because conflict comes up anytime your view differs from another’s — and humans are opinionated beings. While most of us have a strong reactions to conflict, including (but not limited to) fear; avoidance; and/or dread, conflict can also have positive impacts. It can allow for exploration of new and different ways of doing things resulting in better outcomes. When we think of the negatives of conflict it’s because of the emotions that conflict evokes — often making situations feel explosive. By learning how to step up to conflict and confronting it head on by using the right approach, you can turn conflict into a positive for both you and your team.


Webinar – 11/16/20 – Stress Resilience – Banfield


Banfield Presents: Resiliency is the ability to adapt and bounce back when things don’t go as planned. And with stress being a part of our everyday lives, we want to provide you with tools to help you become more resilient in times of stress and uncertainty. It’s not about being faced with stress, it’s more how you react to it. Stress affects your ability to work — which can have a consequence on your overall career wellbeing— but, more importantly, stress can affect your health.


Webinar – 1/12/21 – Confronting Conflict with Teams – Banfield


Banfield Presents: Conflict is something that, as much as we try, we cannot avoid because conflict is comes up anytime your view differs from another’s — and humans are opinionated beings. While most of us have a strong reactions to conflict, including (but not limited to) fear; avoidance; and/or dread, conflict can also have positive impacts. It can allow for exploration of new and different ways of doing things resulting in better outcomes. When we think of the negatives of conflict it’s because of the emotions that conflict evokes — often making situations feel explosive. By learning how to step up to conflict and confronting it head on by using the right approach, you can turn conflict into a positive for both you and your team.


Webinar – 2/3/21 – Confronting Conflict with Teams – Banfield


Banfield Presents: Conflict is something that, as much as we try, we cannot avoid because conflict is comes up anytime your view differs from another’s — and humans are opinionated beings. While most of us have a strong reactions to conflict, including (but not limited to) fear; avoidance; and/or dread, conflict can also have positive impacts. It can allow for exploration of new and different ways of doing things resulting in better outcomes. When we think of the negatives of conflict it’s because of the emotions that conflict evokes — often making situations feel explosive. By learning how to step up to conflict and confronting it head on by using the right approach, you can turn conflict into a positive for both you and your team.


Webinar – 3/18/21 – Confronting Conflict with Teams – Banfield


Banfield Presents: Conflict is something that, as much as we try, we cannot avoid because conflict is comes up anytime your view differs from another’s — and humans are opinionated beings. While most of us have a strong reactions to conflict, including (but not limited to) fear; avoidance; and/or dread, conflict can also have positive impacts. It can allow for exploration of new and different ways of doing things resulting in better outcomes. When we think of the negatives of conflict it’s because of the emotions that conflict evokes — often making situations feel explosive. By learning how to step up to conflict and confronting it head on by using the right approach, you can turn conflict into a positive for both you and your team.
